Spam Firewall, Outbound Filtering, Email Archiving in Toronto Canada

Inbound / Outbound Spam & Virus Protection with DKIM and MX Backup
Mirrored Storage 250 GB
0% Complete
Storage Lifetime 3 Years
42% Complete
Mail Volume 100000/m
1% Complete
Domains 1
1% Complete
Mailboxes 15 Users
0% Complete
Blacklist Monitoring Yes
100% Complete
Dedicated IP 1
25% Complete
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days
100% Complete
An affordable choice for smaller applications where archiving support for your corporate domains and up to 15 email users is required.

Provides approx 3 years of storage lifetime at 20,000 archived emails per month.
Professional מחיר $125.00/mo
$125.00 דמי התקנה
הזמינו עכשיו
Mirrored Storage 2000 GB
4% Complete
Storage Lifetime 5 Years
71% Complete
Mail Volume 500000/m
5% Complete
Domains 2
2% Complete
Mailboxes 75 Users
1% Complete
Blacklist Monitoring Yes
100% Complete
Dedicated IP 1
25% Complete
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days
100% Complete
A practical and cost effective solution for Corporate and SME applications where a longer storage lifetime is required for compliance purposes.
Provides approx 5 years storage lifetime at 100,000 archived emails per month.
Business מחיר $199.00/mo
$125.00 דמי התקנה
הזמינו עכשיו
Mirrored Storage 10000 GB
20% Complete
Storage Lifetime 5-7 Years
71% Complete
Mail Volume 5000000/m
50% Complete
Domains 5
5% Complete
Mailboxes 250 Users
5% Complete
Blacklist Monitoring Yes
100% Complete
Dedicated IP 2
50% Complete
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days
100% Complete
A high capacity solution for MSPs and other IT support companies where the ability to provide and resell Email Archiving Services on a per-domain basis is desired.
Provides Corporate Class archiving for 5 domains and up to 250 email users.
Corporate מחיר $945.00/mo
$125.00 דמי התקנה
הזמינו עכשיו
Mirrored Storage 50000 GB
100% Complete
Storage Lifetime 7+ Years
100% Complete
Mail Volume 10000000/m
100% Complete
Domains 100
100% Complete
Mailboxes 5000
100% Complete
Blacklist Monitoring Yes
100% Complete
Dedicated IP 4
100% Complete
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days
100% Complete
An Enterprise Class Solution for MSPs, IT support companies and enterprises where high storage volumes and/or longer archive storage lifetimes are needed.
Supports Enterprise Class email archiving for up to 100 domains and 5000 users.
Enterprise מחיר $3645.00/mo
$125.00 דמי התקנה
הזמינו עכשיו
כל רכישה כוללת בנוסף
  • SPAM Filter
  • Outbound SMTP
  • Backup MX
  • Email Continuity
  • Reporting
  • SPF
  • Blacklist Protection
  • Message Log
  • Virus Filter
  • 30 Days Trial
  • Archiving
  • 24/7 Support